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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.
$500 includes 2 tickets to the annual dinner event and recognition signage at the bar and listed on the slideshow.
$500 Lunch TableBenefits: 1 reserved table for 8 at a lunch program. Signage at table.
$1,000 Lunch Meeting SponsorBenefits include 2 tickets to the sponsored event, reserved seating, recognition at the welcome area, Logo signage on the emailed promotion and website, thank-you recognition at the event, and a social meeting thank-you post.
$5,000 Seasonal SponsorshipBenefits include 1 annual membership, 2 annual dinner event tickets, logo signage at 5 consecutive lunch meetings, the opportunity to introduce a speaker at 2 lunch programs, logo included on email promotion for 5 lunches, logo included on the club website, and name/logo included on 5 social media thank you posts.
$10,000 Presenting Series SponsorBenefits include 2 annual memberships, 4 tickets to the Annual Dinner, logo signage at 10 meetings, logos included in email promotion for 10 meetings, opportunity to introduce the speaker at 3 lunch programs, logo included on the website for 12 months, and included in 12 social media thank-you posts.